Dashboard: Add holiday list to avoid scheduling lessons on those days
2023-12-12 15:22:30
优先级: P2
任务状态: 已解决
来源:Vietnam Clients
业务场景:The school admin often batch-creates a range of lessons (课节) for a course (课程) without checking the holiday calendar. Consequently, they have to manually cancel these lessons afterward and it takes a lot of time
业务要求:School dashboard has option for admin to add or mark the holiday list (假期). All the lessons (课节) under that school cannot be created on the day included on the holiday list. There will be a prompt to notice admin when they create lesson on holiday and If admin want to add lesson, they have to editing the holiday list.
收益或影响:Not a high priority
收藏 0 0


关联反馈 - - - -
    2023-12-13 15:24:46
    admin 官方人员
    2023-12-12 15:22:30
    @Nguyen Ky Anh:我们已收到您的反馈并提交了工单。后续请关注通知,以了解进展和回复。
    相关链接:审批页面(相关方可访问) 管理页面(管理员可访问)
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Nguyen Ky Anh

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