At the moment, Schools can only remove students out of courses manually (even through Dashboard or App). It is a significant time-consuming process .
For example, if student A joins 10 courses, admin has to go to each 10 courses and click remove 10 times.
There are only 2 ways to remove student out of courses and they have to be done manually:
Adding A "Batch Remove student" in the Course management.
I would like to suggest this conditional logic:
1. Fill in the field "Student name/email" and click enter
2. Enable button "Batch remove student"
3. Click to remove the student out of the selected course
If the field "Student name/email" is empty, disable button "Batch remove student"
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- Batch Create: Copy Course (课程)
- Batch Import answer sheet's answers
- [Dashboard - Download task] Evaluation Download sheet
- API allows students to enter directly to the course interface
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- [Test] Batch import template addding alternative answers for fill in the blanks
- Synchronize LMS Course data/activities between the Client App and Dashboard
- Dashboard: Add holiday list to avoid scheduling lessons on those days