Batch create lesson can be added up to 80 or 100 lessons
2024-12-19 16:12:46
来源:Vietnam Clients (KSC 79586198)
业务场景:Institution has 200 lessons/course so whenever they create a course and add lesson they have to x4 the process and it is very slow

Batch create lesson can be added up to 80 or 100 lessons

batch create lesson.jpg

收益或影响:Not a high priority, but commonly mentioned by end users in their feedback
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关联反馈 - - - -
    2024-12-19 16:20:53
    • Nguyen Ky Anh 作者 2024-12-23 16:47:48
      Yes, I already recommended this to them. However, they said that if we could adjust this number, it would be better for them. This is because, when they add new batches, they have to set everything up all over again (time, teacher, co-teacher, lesson resources, ...) and they have to do this for more than 200 courses per day with only 3 admin accounts
    admin 官方人员
    2024-12-19 16:12:46
    @Nguyen Ky Anh:我们已收到您的反馈并提交了工单。后续请关注通知,以了解进展和回复。
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Nguyen Ky Anh

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