Higher education client like universities - they has courses registration system link with classin course through API, in each course they already create specific LMS activities, Resources, Test/Task. Right after student being added or registered to a course there will be a button to open ClassIn and direct student to the right course (班级)
So with this function, student don't have to crosscheck between classin app client and the university system to access the right course. By just 1 click they can access to the course directly and prepare for upcoming lesson
Currently we only has API getLoginLinked which directs users to the started lesson but not the course
API allows students to enter directly to the course interface
Example: https://docs.eeo.cn/api/zh-hans/getLoginLinked.html
新的需求是希望可以唤起到某个课程,比如唤起链接,只拼接 telephone=xxx57182670&courseId=198xxxx77&schoolId=2441xxxx
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- [API & Dashboard] A function to mute the course Chat
- API to set the playback limit for class recording
- API for real-time in-class data of the camera & microphone status of both teachers & students
- Monitor interface has a row to display teacher dual device information
- The names tagged in the course's chatbox are displayed too small
- Dashboard allows master & sub-account to upload/create Test paper (测验)
- Increase the number of prerequisites ( to over 50)
- Synchronize LMS Course data/activities between the Client App and Dashboard
- The teacher's name can contain up to 50 characters
- Deleting all of messages of the Course's chat section in one click