Increase the number of prerequisites ( to over 50)
2024-04-22 17:07:46
优先级: P2
任务状态: 已解决
来源:Vietnam clients ( Ms. Ánh SAT)
业务场景:Most of our clients have more than 50 exercises per course so it would be a challenge to them if there are only 20 prerequisites allowed in the course. This un-satisfied request will lead to an inconsistent course program which will affect a lot on the long-term course and user's experience.
业务要求:Increase the prerequisites to 50 (for now)
收益或影响:A big selling point for us if the rule is updated as only the big Key Accounts that have such a long course with long fixed assignments.
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- The teacher's name can contain up to 50 characters
- Answer sheet: Highlight the color base when ticking the answer of the Yes No option
- Deleting all of messages of the Course's chat section in one click
- API allows students to enter directly to the course interface
- [Lessons/Courses] - "All" option include all of the pages
- API for real-time in-class data of the camera & microphone status of both teachers & students
- Prerequisite: Open the video of the recorded lesson, watch it for 1 second, and the next activity will be unlocked automatically
- Open URL with ClassIn browser instead of direct to device default browser
- API to set the playback limit for class recording
- [API & Dashboard] A function to mute the course Chat