Need a video uploading notice if the recordings system suddenly started saving to teacher's computer
2024-06-18 17:21:29
来源:Vietnamese KA ( Edupia)

At the moment, when a connection lagging occurs, the recording system stops connecting to Class drive and the next classroom records will be automatically saved to the teacher's personal computer drive. This causes huge problems in tracking the teaching data and the class process since there is no notices alerting the teachers that they are having the records. 

Also, the admin has to track out each video's section then asking the teacher to upload the missing video. This costs too many workloads.

业务要求:Adding a notice of uploading the recordings after the teacher closes the class, if the case above occurs.
收益或影响:This makes a big impact on the client's experience and leverage their business management with ClassIn
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关联反馈 - - - -
    2024-06-18 17:23:26
    admin 官方人员
    2024-06-18 17:21:29
    @Le Hoang Tuyet Trinh:我们已收到您的反馈并提交了工单。后续请关注通知,以了解进展和回复。
    相关链接:审批页面(相关方可访问) 管理页面(管理员可访问)
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Le Hoang Tuyet Trinh

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