Prevent deleted student from viewing old conversation in course
2024-02-27 16:55:41
来源:Vietnam Clients

After the school admin removes a student from a class, the student can still view the course chat's old conversations. This affects the school's privacy policy because the school removes the student to prevent them from seeing the old course information

业务要求:We have identified two possible solutions to address this issue and kindly request your assistance in evaluating and determining the most appropriate action:

1. Implementing a feature where after a student is removed from the course, access to the course chat would be restricted, preventing them from viewing it.


2. Exploring the feasibility of completely removing a student from a course, ensuring they have no access to any information associated with the course (chat, lessons, files, etc.).
收益或影响:Highly requested from Client
收藏 0 0


关联反馈 - - - -
    2024-02-29 15:19:25
    It would be great if our system could prevent any type of user who has been removed from the course from viewing old conversations.

    admin 官方人员
    2024-02-27 16:55:41
    @Nguyen Ky Anh:我们已收到您的反馈并提交了工单。后续请关注通知,以了解进展和回复。
    相关链接:审批页面(相关方可访问) 管理页面(管理员可访问)
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Nguyen Ky Anh

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